Payment Methods
Q: What payment methods are accepted by Amal Scientific?
A: We accept advance payments via bank transfer and credit/debit card.
Q: Are you delivering across Pakistan?
A: Yes, we deliver across Pakistan.
Q: How many days will it take to deliver the order?
A: Delivery typically takes 3-15 days, depending on your location.
Q: Can we get same-day delivery?
A: Yes, we offer same-day delivery in Karachi. Please contact us at +92 328 3772771 for details.
Q: What are the shipping charges?
A: Shipping costs 400.
Customer Support
Q: How can I contact customer support?
A: You can reach our customer support team via email at info@amalscientific.com or by phone at +92 328 3772771.
Q: Do you have WhatsApp support?
A: Yes, you can contact us via WhatsApp for tracking information and support.